Linda Commito, Inspirational Author

Working with Linda Commito, you can’t help but be inspired. I felt fortunate to be asked by her to help her brighten and tighten her book, Love is the New Currency.  The more I read, the more I had to get behind this project, which is truly a game-changer.

No matter where we turn, we hear stories about how bad it is “out there.” Love Is the New Currency is a book about how good it is “in here” ­— inside the circle of love, compassion, and human connection that is created when we open our hearts to each other. The stories in her book call us to envision what’s possible by shifting our perceptions about money, values, and what it truly means to be wealthy. Regardless of circumstances, we can each make a difference in the world as we discover our own currency of love and share it with others. Such wealth can never be taken from us and increases in value the more it is given away. We may find that we are richer than we ever could have imagined.

When the words “Love is the new currency” came to her in meditation, Linda began a three-year journey to discover what was hopeful and meaningful in people’s lives and what they were doing to create it.  She says: “I was compelled to write this book – to share the gift of these incredible stories of how everyday people are changing lives through ordinary and extraordinary acts of love and kindness.”

Linda  grew up in New England where she received a BA in English from Stonehill College. Her passion for connecting people has been integral to her success as an elementary school teacher, entrepreneur, facilitator, consultant, author, and speaker.

I’m happy to see that Linda is fulfilling her dream of making a positive contribution to the planet and leaving this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place.  Her work has been very well received; she was honored with a 2012 CIPA EVVY Award, given by the Colorado Independent Publisher’s Association, for a top inspirational work.

Find out more by visiting her website,



Posted on

April 15, 2013
